Friday, 27 January 2012

Topology of the Head

Here are 2 examples of good and bad typology created in photoshop as a diagram.

Here is the 'bad' example.

This topology wouldnt work well for animation as the eyes and around the mouth isnt connected correctly.
There needs to be a loop going from mid chin to the nose, and the ocular topology needs to behave more like a superhero mask.

Here, The topology works much better. The loop around the mouth is there and the superhero mask is visable.The only other change which could be made here is the bridge of the nose being flatter.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Week 2: The Robot!

I really dont like doing robots! haha!

I struggled with this creativly - Can't wait to do the organic stuff, I think I'd be best at that.

Here is a quick look at the development and final results of the model.

Week 1-2: 3D Modelling and Primary Sources

Below is my attempt at a Stegosaurus! I'm not happy with a couple of things about it, which were echoed in my feedback...

I would've liked to do a better job on the underside and one of the legs (conveniently hidden!) which didnt come out as well as I would've liked.

Next time, i'll post progress shots!

Onto my primary scources which I'm Collecting for my Inorganic/Organic project.
The following are all Primary Inorganic scources from vehicles, some of them taken round and about, and others from MOSI in Manchester.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Week 1 - DESIGN - Inorganic inspiration

10:53 ::

Recieved brief today for this semester:  To create 2 models of an inorganic and organic design.

Here are a couple of images I sourced off google to give a general gist of what I would like to create for my Inorganic vehicle design.